Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why three languages?

Did I want my kids to be trilingual so that they could get a great job in the future? NO! Japanese is a part of me, Chinese is a part of my husband, and English is another part of both of us, so we had to have all three languages.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Flashcards and Fast Food

Parents—Beware of the Fast Food Approach to Foreign Languages
~ Ana Lomba Early Languages

On Twitter:

LOVE this! Beware of the Fast Food Approach to Foreign Languages RT @MultiLingLiving via @KarenNemethEdM via @analomba
2:55 PM Jun 25th

@tamadonguri Isn't that great!? I love the "fast food approach" terminology! HAH! Great job, Ana! @analomba
3:11 PM Jun 25th via web in reply to tamadonguri

I hate it when people start treating languages as if they were some sort of product. Sure, it's a tool but is ALIVE too.
5:02 PM Jun 25th via web in reply to MultiLingLiving

@tamadonguri Ugh, I agree. Like a commodity which we can purchase and now own but not really "live".
5:35 PM Jun 25th via web in reply to tamadonguri

Thanks for rephrasing my point so beautifully! RT @MultiLingLiving Like a commodity which we can purchase and now own but not really "live"
Friday, June 25, 2010 10:10:55 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Go, TUJ!

Temple U. Stands Tall in Japan
~ The Chronicle of Higher Education
I'm so proud of TUJ! こういう記事は卒業生としては本当に嬉しいですね。

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


あるブログで「今はハーフのことをダブルと言うんですよ」というのを読みました。それって日本語だけ?それとも英語でも?That makes my kids "Japanese-Chinese Double"?
Half, bi or double? One family's trouble
~ The Japan Times Online

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Building a multilingual home


Building a multilingual home was for my kids, my parents in Japan, and my hubby's grandma. But something incredibly amusing happened. I began to understand Cantonese! This was something I never expected. I was absolutely amazed.


Of course, exactly the same thing was happening to my husband. He was naturally picking up Japanese words in the environment where he heard conversations in Japanese that were exchanged between our kids and me. He wasn't even trying to learn.


Before becoming parents, my husband and I checked out Japanese and Cantonese language tapes so that we could learn each other's languages. But it was too boring and difficult, so we had given up completely.

子どもと、自分たちのそれぞれの母国語で自然に生活するだけでよかったんですね。魔法みたい~ でもよーく考えてみると、あたりまえのことをしていただけかもしれません。

All we were doing was to talk to our kids in our own native languages. It's like magic! But then, IT IS all natural and makes total sense!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Twitter a hit in Japan

Twitter a hit in Japan as millions 'mumble' online
~ San Jose Mercury News

One reason is language. It's possible to say so much more in Japanese within Twitter's 140-letter limit. The word "information" requires just two letters in Japanese. That allows academics and politicians to relay complex views, according to Tsuda, who believes Twitter could easily attract 20 million people in Japan soon.
No wonder it takes more English tweets when I talk about the same thing both in Japanese and English on Twitter...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Taking children's multilingualism personally

Stop Taking Your Children's Multilingualism So Personally
~ Multilingual Living

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Can they really read?

It makes me extremely sad (and almost mad) when I meet parents who are so proud their 5-year-old CAN READ a picture book all by her/himself!

Those kids canNOT possibly be enjoying the most fun part (=stories) at all. They're doing it only to please their parents. Poor kids!!!

Teaching reading and writing

Teaching Very Young Multilingual Children How to Read and Write in Their Languages?
~ Multilingual Living
I love Madalena's response in the article!
"In Scandinavian countries, for example, literacy is taught first from age 7. Younger children have no need for this."
I was shocked when my son had to "study" reading & writing in his kindergarten class last year. Why the hurry? I just don't understand.

I guess it's probably not a coincidence that those Steiner kids don't learn their alphabet until they're seven, either.

Monday, June 14, 2010


先週の金曜日に長男の学校が終わったので、モントレーに二泊してきました。これから三人の子どもたちとの長い夏休み。母親にとって夏休みがこんなにも憂鬱なものだったとは!あまりイライラせず、楽しく穏やかに過ごせるように努力したいと思います。Wish me luck!

Friday, June 11, 2010


サワッディーカップ。都内のタイ料理屋さんでいいですか? とっても小さい家庭的なところでよければ、学習院下の「プリックタイ」がおすすめです


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


昨日長男の小学校で "1st Grade Performing Arts Night" という学芸会のようなものがありました。ミニ・ミュージカル『桃太郎』大成功!後ろで撮影しながら感激で涙が出ました。去年次男がお腹にいた頃、ボランティアで毎週桃太郎の歌を一緒に練習したんです。40人の子どもたちの歌声がちゃんと日本語として聞こえたのには本当に感動しました。

会の後、カメラや三脚をかつぎながら彼らの教室に走っていって、担任の先生がお話の最中だというのに"Excuse me"も言わずに思わず"AWESOME!!!"と叫んでしまった私。本当に嬉しくて、できることなら一人一人をぎゅーっと抱きしめてあげたかったです。みんなほんとにいい子たち。

あるお母さんからの感想。 "I had goosebumps the whole time, touched my heart, made me smile!!"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010





Tuesday, June 1, 2010


多言語についてよく考えます。私と子どもたちは日本語で話します。私の夫はABC (=American-born Chinese) なので、彼と子どもたちは広東語、私と夫は英語。なので我が家では常に三ヶ国語が飛び交っています。
